

Meaning in Nepali: एकान्तता, अकेलापन

Pronunciation: (एलोननेस)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Loneliness: एकान्तता, अकेलापन
  • Isolation: अलगाउने, एकान्तता
  • Solitude: एकान्तता, अकेलापन
  • Seclusion: एकान्तता, अकेलापन
  • Desolation: उजाडपन, अकेलापन


  • Isolation
  • Solitude
  • Seclusion
  • Desolation
  • Loner


  • Companionship (साथीपन)
  • Sociability (सामाजिकता)
  • Friendship (मित्रता)
  • Connection (सम्बन्ध)

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Aloneness refers to the state of being alone or isolated. It is a noun that describes the feeling of being apart from others or lacking companionship. In Nepali, aloneness can be translated as “एकान्तता” or “अकेलापन.” It is pronounced as “एलोननेस.”

Some nearby words related to aloneness include loneliness, isolation, solitude, seclusion, and desolation. These words share similar meanings and convey the sense of being alone or separated from others.

Synonyms for aloneness include isolation, solitude, seclusion, desolation, and loner. These words can be used interchangeably to describe the state of being alone.

On the other hand, antonyms of aloneness are companionship, sociability, friendship, and connection. These words represent the opposite of aloneness, emphasizing the presence of others and social interaction.

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