back yard

Back Yard Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings:

बाहिरी आँगन, पछाडीको आँगन, बाहिरी ठाउँ

Nearby Words:

  • Back – फर्के (noun)
  • Yard – आँगन (noun)

Part of Speech: Noun

Pronunciation: (bak yahrd)

Back Yard Synonyms:

  • Garden – बगैंचा
  • Courtyard – आँगन
  • Open Space – खुला ठाउँ
  • Outdoor Area – बाहिरी क्षेत्र
  • Grounds – ठाउँ
  • Plot – जग्गा

Description and Origination:

The back yard refers to the outdoor area located at the back of a house or building. It is a private space where people can relax, engage in recreational activities, or cultivate a garden. The concept of a back yard originated in urban areas as a way to utilize the available space behind a house for various purposes. It provides a retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life and allows individuals to connect with nature. The back yard is often considered an extension of the home and is used for social gatherings, barbecues, and children’s play. It serves as a personal oasis where one can enjoy privacy and tranquility.


  • Front Yard – अगाडीको आँगन
  • Interior – भित्रै
  • Indoor – भित्रैको

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