
Atheism Meaning in Nepali: नास्तिकता, अविश्वासवाद, निरीश्वरवाद, ईश्वरशून्यता

Nearby Words:

Noun: नास्तिकता, अविश्वासवाद, निरीश्वरवाद, ईश्वरशून्यता

Adjective: नास्तिक, अविश्वासी, निरीश्वरवादी, ईश्वरशून्य

Part of Speech of Atheism:


Pronunciation of Atheism:


Atheism Synonyms:

1. Nonbelief (अविश्वास)

2. Godlessness (ईश्वरशून्यता)

3. Irreligion (अधार्मिकता)

4. Secularism (धर्मनिरपेक्षता)

5. Freethinking (स्वतंत्रचिन्तन)

6. Skepticism (संशयवाद)

Description and Origination of Atheism:

Atheism, meaning “नास्तिकता” in Nepali, refers to the disbelief or rejection of the existence of a higher power or deity. It is a philosophical and ideological stance that denies the existence of God or gods. Atheism originated in ancient Greece and has been present throughout history, with notable atheist thinkers and movements emerging in different periods. Atheists base their beliefs on rationality, scientific evidence, and critical thinking rather than religious faith. They argue that the burden of proof lies with those who claim the existence of a higher power. Atheism is often associated with secularism and humanism, emphasizing the importance of reason, ethics, and the well-being of humanity.


1. Theism (ईश्वरवाद)

2. Belief (विश्वास)

3. Faith (श्रद्धा)

4. Religion (धर्म)

5. Spirituality (आध्यात्मिकता)

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