
Aestivation Meaning in Nepali

Aestivation (अनुप्राणन) is a noun in Nepali that refers to the act of spending the summer in a dormant or inactive state, usually to avoid extreme heat or drought. It can also mean the arrangement of petals or sepals in a flower bud before it opens.

Pronunciation: (es-tuh-vey-shuhn)

Part of Speech: Noun

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Hibernate (verb) – शीतकालीन निद्रा गर्नु
  • 2. Dormant (adjective) – सुस्त, सुस्त अवस्थामा
  • 3. Summer (noun) – ग्रीष्म, गर्मी

Aestivation Synonyms:

  • 1. Summer dormancy
  • 2. Estivation
  • 3. Torpidity
  • 4. Quiescence
  • 5. Inactivity

Aestivation Antonyms:

No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

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