
Analogues Meaning in Nepali: तुलनात्मक, सदृश, सादृश्य, समानार्थी, अनुरूप

Nearby Words:

Noun: analogy (तुलना), analog (अनुरूप), analogue (अनुरूपी), analogist (तुलनावादी), analogizer (तुलनाकर्ता)

Adjective: analogous (तुलनात्मक), analogical (तुलनात्मक), analogistic (तुलनात्मक)

Part of Speech:

Analogues is a noun.



Analogues Synonyms:

1. Similar (सदृश)

2. Equivalent (सामर्थ्ययुक्त)

3. Corresponding (समानुपातिक)

4. Parallel (समान्तर)

5. Alike (सदृश)

6. Homologous (समानुपातिक)

Analogues are similar or equivalent things that have a resemblance or correspondence to each other. They can be nouns or adjectives. The term “analogues” is pronounced as (an-uh-logz). Some synonyms of analogues in English are सदृश, सामर्थ्ययुक्त, समानुपातिक, समान्तर, सदृश, and समानुपातिक. Analogues have their origins in the Latin word “analogus” which means “proportionate” or “corresponding.” They can be found in various fields such as science, mathematics, and literature. To explore more about analogues, you can visit,, or