
Amaryllis Meaning in Nepali

Amaryllis is a flower that symbolizes beauty, determination, and pride. In Nepali, it is known as “अमेरिलिस” (amaryllis).

Nepali Meanings of Amaryllis:

  1. अमेरिलिस: The name of the flower itself.
  2. सुन्दरता: Beauty
  3. प्रतिष्ठा: Pride
  4. दृढता: Determination

Nearby Words:

  • Flower (noun) – फूल: A beautiful plant that blooms.
  • Beauty (noun) – सुन्दरता: The quality of being pleasing to the senses.
  • Pride (noun) – गर्व: A feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction.
  • Determination (noun) – दृढता: The act of making a firm decision.
  • Bloom (verb) – खिल्ली खिल्ली हुनु: To produce flowers.

Amaryllis Synonyms:

  • Flower – फूल
  • Blossom – खिल्ली
  • Bloom – खिल्ली हुनु
  • Petal – पातला
  • Rose – गुलाफ
  • Tulip – ट्युलिप


The keyword “amaryllis meaning in Nepali” refers to the various meanings and translations of the word “amaryllis” in the Nepali language. In Nepali, “amaryllis” is known as “अमेरिलिस” and represents beauty, determination, and pride. It is a flower that is admired for its vibrant colors and elegant shape. The word “amaryllis” can also be associated with qualities such as strength, resilience, and confidence. This article aims to provide valuable insights into the meaning and significance of “amaryllis” in the Nepali language.



Part of Speech: Noun


  • Ugly – नराम्रो
  • Weakness – कमजोरी
  • Shame – लाज
  • Indecision – अनिश्चय

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