

Meaning in Nepali: वर्णमाला, अक्षरहरू

Pronunciation: (ऐल्फाबेट्स)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Letter: noun, पत्र
  • Word: noun, शब्द
  • Language: noun, भाषा
  • Grammar: noun, व्याकरण
  • Spelling: noun, वर्तनी


  • characters
  • letters
  • ABCs
  • script
  • writing system


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

Alphabets, also known as वर्णमाला or अक्षरहरू in Nepali, are a set of letters or characters used to represent the basic sounds of a language. In English, the alphabet consists of 26 letters, including both uppercase and lowercase forms. Each letter has a unique sound and can be combined to form words and sentences.

Alphabets play a crucial role in language learning and communication. They serve as the building blocks of written language and enable individuals to read, write, and understand written texts. Learning the alphabets is often one of the first steps in acquiring literacy skills.

To explore more about alphabets, you can visit the following links: