bad analogy

Bad Analogy Meaning in Nepali

नेपालीमा खराब उपमा अर्थ

Bad Analogy, खराब उपमा, Noun

Pronunciation: (बैड अनलोजी)

Bad Analogy Synonyms:

  • Flawed Comparison – दोषपूर्ण तुलना
  • Weak Analogy – कमजोर उपमा
  • False Analogy – असत्य उपमा
  • Illogical Comparison – अन्यायपूर्ण तुलना
  • Inappropriate Analogy – अनुपयुक्त उपमा
  • Invalid Comparison – अमान्य तुलना

Bad Analogy Antonyms:

  • Good Analogy – राम्रो उपमा
  • Valid Comparison – मान्य तुलना
  • Accurate Analogy – सटिक उपमा
  • Logical Comparison – युक्तिसंगत तुलना
  • Appropriate Analogy – उपयुक्त उपमा
  • Strong Analogy – शक्तिशाली उपमा

A bad analogy is a flawed comparison between two things that are not truly similar. It is an illogical or inappropriate comparison that fails to provide a valid or accurate understanding of the subject matter. Bad analogies can mislead or confuse the audience, leading to misunderstandings or false conclusions.

Bad analogies can be found in various contexts, including literature, debates, and everyday conversations. They often arise when someone tries to explain a complex concept or idea by using a comparison that is weak or unrelated. It is important to recognize and avoid bad analogies to ensure clear and effective communication.

For more information on bad analogies, you can refer to,, or