
Athenian Meaning in Nepali: एथेनियन, एथेनियाली, एथेन्सका, एथेन्सी, एथेन्सको

Nearby Words:

Noun: एथेनियन, एथेनियाली

Adjective: एथेन्सका, एथेन्सी, एथेन्सको

Part of Speech of Athenian:

Noun, Adjective

Pronunciation of Athenian:


Athenian Synonyms:

1. Greek – ग्रीक

2. Hellenic – हेलेनिक

3. Attic – एटिक

4. Grecian – ग्रीकिय

5. Peloponnesian – पेलोपोनेसियन

6. Spartan – स्पार्टन

Athenian is a term used to describe something or someone related to Athens, the capital city of Greece. It can be used as both a noun and an adjective. In Nepali, Athenian can be translated as एथेनियन or एथेनियाली as a noun, and एथेन्सका, एथेन्सी, एथेन्सको as an adjective. The term is often associated with ancient Greek culture, history, and philosophy. To learn more about Athenian, you can refer to online dictionaries such as,, or