
Ait Meaning in Nepali

Ait is a word in the Nepali language that has multiple meanings. Here are two common meanings of ait in Nepali:

  1. Ait (noun): ऐट, ऐटा – This refers to a measurement unit used in Nepal, equivalent to 0.625 kilograms or 1.375 pounds.
  2. Ait (verb): ऐट्नु – This verb means to throw or cast something forcefully.

Pronunciation: (ait)

Part of Speech: Noun (ऐट, ऐटा), Verb (ऐट्नु)

Nearby Words:

  • Aitma (noun): ऐटमा – A measurement unit used for weight, equivalent to 0.625 kilograms or 1.375 pounds.
  • Aitbaar (noun): ऐटबार – Trust, faith, or belief in someone or something.
  • Aitbari (adjective): ऐटबारी – Trustworthy or reliable.


  • ऐटमा (aitma)
  • ऐटा (aita)
  • ऐट्नु (aitnu)
  • ऐटबार (aitbaar)
  • ऐटबारी (aitbari)


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