as it is

As It Is Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, “as it is” can be translated into several meanings: जस्तो छ, जस्तै, यसरी छ, यसरी हो, यस्तो हो, जस्तो हो (jasto cha, jastai, yasari cha, yasari ho, yasto ho, jasto ho).

Nearby Words

– As (adverb, noun, preposition) – जस्तो, जस्तै, जस्तो छ, जस्तै छ (jasto, jastai, jasto cha, jastai cha)

– It (pronoun) – यो, त्यो (yo, tyo)

Part of Speech of “As It Is”: Adverb

Pronunciation of “As It Is”: (as it is)

As It Is Synonyms

– Exactly (सट्टा, सट्टै)

– Precisely (ठिक, ठिकै)

– Truly (सत्य, सत्यमा)

– Just like that (त्यसरी, त्यसरी हो)

– Without any changes (कुनै परिवर्तन गरिएको छैन)

Description and Origination of “As It Is”

“As it is” is an English phrase that means without any changes or alterations. It is used to emphasize that something should remain in its current state or condition. The phrase originated from the English language and is commonly used in various contexts to convey the idea of maintaining the originality or authenticity of something.


– Modified (संशोधित, संशोधित गरिएको)

– Altered (परिवर्तित, परिवर्तित गरिएको)

– Changed (बदलिएको, बदलिएको)

– Different (विभिन्न, विभिन्न)

– Transformed (परिवर्तित, परिवर्तित गरिएको)

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