Backfire Meaning in Nepali: पछाडबाट आगो फुट्नु, उल्टो परिणाम हुनु, अपरिणामी हुनु
Nearby Words:
- Nepali: फुट्नु (Verb), अपरिणामी (Adjective)
- Nepali: उल्टो परिणाम (Noun), असफलता (Noun)
- Nepali: अपरिणामी हुनु (Verb), असफल हुनु (Verb)
Part of Speech: Verb
Pronunciation: (bak-fahyuhr)
Backfire Synonyms:
- Fail (असफल हुनु)
- Misfire (अपरिणामी हुनु)
- Blow up in one’s face (आफ्नो चेहरामा फुट्नु)
- Rebound (उल्टो परिणाम हुनु)
- Boomerang (उल्टो परिणाम हुनु)
- Backlash (पछाडबाट आगो फुट्नु)
Description: The term “backfire” refers to a situation where an action or plan has the opposite effect of what was intended, resulting in negative consequences. It can also mean a situation where an attempt to harm someone or something ends up harming the person who initiated it. This term originated from the idea of a firearm’s explosion happening in the wrong direction, causing harm to the shooter. In Nepali, it can be translated as “पछाडबाट आगो फुट्नु,” “उल्टो परिणाम हुनु,” or “अपरिणामी हुनु.”
- Success (सफलता)
- Accomplish (सिध्द गर्नु)
- Achieve (प्राप्त गर्नु)
- Attain (प्राप्त गर्नु)
- Triumph (जित्नु)
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