at any rate

At any rate Meaning in Nepali: यसरी वा त्यसरी नै, केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै, केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै, केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै, केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

Nearby Words:

1. At all events (Adverb): केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

2. At any cost (Adverb): केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

3. At any price (Adverb): केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

4. At any rate (Adverb): केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

5. At any time (Adverb): केही न केही गरी त्यस्तो नै

Part of Speech:

At any rate is an adverb.


(at en-ee reyt)

Synonyms of At any rate:

1. Anyway (यसरी वा त्यसरी नै)

2. Nevertheless (त्यस्तो नै)

3. Nonetheless (त्यस्तो नै)

4. Regardless (त्यस्तो नै)

5. In any case (त्यस्तो नै)

6. In any event (त्यस्तो नै)

Description and Origination:

At any rate is used to indicate that something is true or will happen in spite of other things that may have been said or done. It is often used to introduce a statement that is more important than what has been previously mentioned. The phrase originated in the late 19th century.


1. In no way (कुनैपनि तरिकाले)

2. Not at all (कुनैपनि तरिकाले)

3. By no means (कुनैपनि तरिकाले)

4. Never (कहिल्यैन)

5. Not in the least (कुनैपनि तरिकाले)

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