
Aught Meaning in Nepali: एकदम, केही, कुनै नभएको, कुनै नभएको, कुनै नभएको

Nearby Words:

Noun: एकदम, केही, कुनै नभएको

Adjective: कुनै नभएको

Part of Speech of Aught:


Pronunciation of Aught:


Aught Synonyms:

1. Anything – केही

2. Zero – शून्य

3. Nil – शून्य

4. Naught – कुनै नभएको

5. Cipher – शून्य

6. Zilch – कुनै नभएको

Aught, meaning “anything” or “zero,” is a noun in Nepali. It can be used to refer to something that is completely absent or non-existent. The word is pronounced as “ôt.” Some synonyms of aught in English include “anything,” “zero,” “nil,” “naught,” “cipher,” and “zilch.” In Nepali, these synonyms translate to “केही,” “शून्य,” “शून्य,” “कुनै नभएको,” and “कुनै नभएको” respectively. For more information and examples of usage, you can refer to online dictionaries such as,, and