
The Meaning of Cringe in Nepali

Meanings of Cringe in Nepali

1. घृणा (noun): The feeling of strong dislike or disgust towards something or someone.

2. असहिष्णुता (noun): The act of being intolerant or unable to bear something.

3. असहिष्णुतापूर्ण (adjective): Describing something that is intolerable or unbearable.

Parts of Speech of Cringe

“Cringe” is a verb in English.

Synonyms of Cringe

1. घृणा (ghrina): Disgust

2. असहिष्णुता (asahishnuta): Intolerance

3. असहिष्णुतापूर्ण (asahishnutapurna): Intolerable

4. असहनीय (asahaniya): Unbearable

Antonyms of Cringe

1. सहनीय (sahaniya): Bearable

2. सहिष्णु (sahishnu): Tolerant

3. प्रेम (prem): Love

Nearby Words of Cringe

1. घृणास्पद (noun): Disgusting

2. असहिष्णुतापूर्णता (noun): Intolerance

3. असहिष्णुतापूर्णतापूर्ण (adjective): Intolerable

4. असहनीयता (noun): Unbearableness

5. असहिष्णुतापूर्णतापूर्णता (noun): Intolerableness

6. असहनीयतापूर्णता (noun): Unbearableness

Remember, cringe is a verb in English, but in Nepali, it can be used as a noun or an adjective as well. It represents the feeling of strong dislike or disgust towards something or someone. The synonyms of “cringe” in Nepali include घृणा (ghrina), असहिष्णुता (asahishnuta), असहिष्णुतापूर्ण (asahishnutapurna), and असहनीय (asahaniya). On the other hand, the antonyms of “cringe” are सहनीय (sahaniya), सहिष्णु (sahishnu), and प्रेम (prem), which mean bearable, tolerant, and love respectively. Some nearby words related to “cringe” in Nepali are घृणास्पद (disgusting), असहिष्णुतापूर्णता (intolerance), असहिष्णुतापूर्णतापूर्ण (intolerable), असहनीयता (unbearableness), असहिष्णुतापूर्णतापूर्णता (intolerableness), and असहनीयतापूर्णता (unbearableness).