
Arboreal Meaning in Nepali: वृक्षारोपी, वृक्षगामी, वृक्षचर, वृक्षवासी

Nearby Words:

Noun: Tree (रुख), Forest (वन), Branch (डाँडा), Leaf (पात), Wood (काठ)

Adjective: Green (हरियो), Tall (उच्च), Leafy (पातयुक्त), Woody (काठयुक्त), Shady (छायामय)

Part of Speech:




Arboreal Synonyms:

1. Tree-dwelling (रुखमा बस्ने)

2. Woodland (वनमय)

3. Forested (वनमय)

4. Leafy (पातयुक्त)

5. Woody (काठयुक्त)

6. Canopy-dwelling (छायामा बस्ने)

Description and Origination:

Arboreal refers to anything related to trees or living in trees. In Nepali, it is translated as वृक्षारोपी, वृक्षगामी, वृक्षचर, वृक्षवासी. This term is commonly used in the field of biology and ecology to describe animals that spend a significant amount of their time in trees. It is derived from the Latin word “arbor,” which means tree. Arboreal animals have adapted to their arboreal habitats by developing specialized features such as strong limbs and grasping hands or feet. They use trees for shelter, food, and protection from predators. Some examples of arboreal animals include monkeys, squirrels, and koalas.


Terrestrial (भूमिगत), Ground-dwelling (भूमिमा बस्ने)

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