at every turn

At Every Turn Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा “at every turn” भनेको अर्थ छ। यसलाई “प्रत्येक बटोमा” वा “प्रत्येक कदममा” भन्न सकिन्छ।

Nearby Words:

Noun: Turn (बटो), Step (कदम), Move (हाल), Twist (ट्विस्ट), Round (घुम्ने)

Verb: Rotate (घुमाउनु), Spin (घुमाउनु), Revolve (घुम्नु), Pivot (घुमाउनु), Swivel (घुमाउनु)

Part of Speech:

At every turn is an idiom.


(at ev-ree turn)

Synonyms of At Every Turn:

1. Everywhere (सबैभन्दा)

2. Constantly (निरन्तर)

3. Continuously (लगातार)

4. Consistently (सधैं)

5. Repeatedly (बारम्बार)

6. Frequently (अक्सर)

Description and Origination:

The phrase “at every turn” means encountering something or facing a situation repeatedly or constantly. It originated from the idea of encountering something at every change in direction or decision. This phrase emphasizes the frequency or regularity of encountering or facing something.


1. Rarely (दुर्लभतापूर्वक)

2. Occasionally (कभी-कभी)

3. Infrequently (अनियमित)

4. Seldom (बिहान बेलुका)

5. Sporadically (छुट्टै-छुट्टै)

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