

Meaning in Nepali: शैक्षिकता, अकादमिक

Pronunciation: (अकैडेमिक्स)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Education: (निस्काशन)
  • Learning: (सिक्नु)
  • School: (बिद्यालय)
  • Knowledge: (ज्ञान)
  • Curriculum: (पाठ्यक्रम)


  • Education
  • Scholarship
  • Learning
  • Intellectual
  • Study


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

For more information on the word “academics,” you can visit the following links:

Academics refer to the field of study and learning in educational institutions. It encompasses various subjects, disciplines, and research. In Nepali, academics are known as “शैक्षिकता” or “अकादमिक.” It is a noun that represents the educational domain.

Some nearby words related to academics include education (निस्काशन), learning (सिक्नु), school (बिद्यालय), knowledge (ज्ञान), and curriculum (पाठ्यक्रम).

Synonyms for academics include education, scholarship, learning, intellectual, and study. These words highlight the various aspects of the academic field.

Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for academics exist in Nepali.

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, or

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