Meaning in Nepali: विमान, हवाई जहाज
Pronunciation: (एरोप्लेन)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- 1. Airport: noun – विमानस्थल
- 2. Pilot: noun – विमानचालक
- 3. Passengers: noun – यात्रीहरू
- 4. Runway: noun – रनवे
- 5. Takeoff: noun – उडान
- 1. Aircraft
- 2. Plane
- 3. Airplane
- 4. Jet
- 5. Flying machine
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Aeroplane, also known as an aircraft or plane, is a flying machine that is designed for air travel. It is a noun and is pronounced as “एरोप्लेन” in Nepali. In Nepal, it is commonly referred to as “विमान” or “हवाई जहाज.” Aeroplanes are used for various purposes, including transportation of passengers and cargo, military operations, and recreational activities.
Some nearby words related to aeroplane are airport (विमानस्थल), pilot (विमानचालक), passengers (यात्रीहरू), runway (रनवे), and takeoff (उडान). These words are often associated with the concept of aeroplanes.
Synonyms for aeroplane include aircraft, plane, airplane, jet, and flying machine. These words can be used interchangeably to refer to the same concept.
Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for aeroplane were found in Nepali.
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