

Meaning in Nepali: बिपत्ति, कठिनाइहरू

Pronunciation: (अड्भर्सिटिज़)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adverse (adjective) – विपरीत, प्रतिकूल
  • Adversary (noun) – प्रतिद्वन्द्वी, शत्रु
  • Adversely (adverb) – विपरीततापूर्वक, प्रतिकूलतापूर्वक
  • Adverseness (noun) – विपरीतता, प्रतिकूलता
  • Adversarial (adjective) – विरोधी, विपक्षी


  • Hardships
  • Troubles
  • Challenges
  • Obstacles
  • Difficulties


  • Opportunities (अवसरहरू)
  • Advantages (लाभहरू)
  • Blessings (आशीर्वादहरू)
  • Fortunes (भाग्यहरू)

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Adversities refer to difficult or challenging circumstances that one may encounter in life. These can include hardships, troubles, or obstacles that test a person’s resilience and determination. Adversities can come in various forms, such as financial struggles, health issues, or personal setbacks. They often require individuals to adapt, overcome, and grow stronger in the face of adversity.

It is important to note that adversities are not always negative experiences. They can also present opportunities for personal growth and development. By facing and overcoming adversities, individuals can gain valuable life lessons, build character, and discover their inner strength.

Despite the difficulties they bring, adversities can shape individuals into more resilient and empathetic beings. They teach us to appreciate the good times and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. It is through facing and overcoming adversities that we can truly appreciate the triumphs and joys that life has to offer.

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