Acclimation is the process of adjusting or adapting to a new environment or situation. It involves becoming accustomed to the changes in order to function effectively.
Nepali Meanings:
1. सामान्यीकरण (sāmānyīkaraṇ): The act of making something familiar or accustomed.
2. अनुकूलन (anukūlan): The act of adapting or adjusting to a new environment or situation.
Nearby Words:
1. Adaptation (Noun) – अनुकूलन (anukūlan): The process of adjusting to new conditions.
2. Assimilation (Noun) – समावेशन (samāveśana): The process of becoming similar or fully integrated into a new culture or environment.
3. Accommodation (Noun) – आवास (āvāsa): The act of providing lodging or a place to stay.
1. Adjustment
2. Assimilation
3. Adaptation
4. Familiarization
अनुकूलन विरोधी (anukūlan virōdhī): Opposition to adaptation or adjustment.
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