

Meaning in Nepali: अपशिष्ट, मिश्रण, अपशिष्टीकरण

Pronunciation: (ad-ul-tuh-rey-shuhns)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adulterate: verb, मिश्रण गर्नु, अपशिष्ट गर्नु
  • Adulterator: noun, मिश्रणकर्ता, अपशिष्टकर्ता
  • Adulteress: noun, अपशिष्टीकर्ता, मिश्रणकर्त्री
  • Adulterine: adjective, अपशिष्ट, मिश्रणित
  • Adulterous: adjective, अपशिष्ट, मिश्रणित


  • contamination
  • impurity
  • dilution
  • debasement
  • pollution


पवित्रता, शुद्धता

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Adulterations refer to the act of adding impurities or contaminants to something, typically food or substances, in order to deceive or lower its quality. It is a noun and can be pronounced as “ad-ul-tuh-rey-shuhns.” In Nepali, it can be translated as अपशिष्ट, मिश्रण, अपशिष्टीकरण.

Some nearby words related to adulterations include “adulterate” (verb, मिश्रण गर्नु, अपशिष्ट गर्नु), “adulterator” (noun, मिश्रणकर्ता, अपशिष्टकर्ता), “adulteress” (noun, अपशिष्टीकर्ता, मिश्रणकर्त्री), “adulterine” (adjective, अपशिष्ट, मिश्रणित), and “adulterous” (adjective, अपशिष्ट, मिश्रणित).

Synonyms for adulterations include contamination, impurity, dilution, debasement, and pollution. The antonyms for adulterations are पवित्रता and शुद्धता in Nepali.

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