
Attaboy Meaning in Nepali: अटाबोयको अर्थ (noun), अटाबोयको अर्थ (interjection), अटाबोयको अर्थ (adjective)

Nearby Words:

Noun: अटाबोय, अटाबोयको अर्थ

Interjection: अटाबोय, अटाबोयको अर्थ

Adjective: अटाबोय, अटाबोयको अर्थ

Part of Speech:

Attaboy is an interjection.



Attaboy Synonyms:

1. Well done – राम्रो गर्यो

2. Bravo – ब्राभो

3. Good job – राम्रो काम

4. Excellent – उत्कृष्ट

5. Great work – राम्रो काम

6. Thumbs up – अङ्गुली उठाउनु

Description and Origination: “Attaboy” is an English interjection used to express praise or encouragement. It is often used to commend someone for a job well done or to show approval. The term originated in the early 20th century and is a contraction of the phrase “that’s the boy.” It is commonly used in informal settings and is a positive way to acknowledge someone’s achievements or efforts.


1. Bad job – खराब काम

2. Poor performance – खराब प्रदर्शन

3. Failure – असफलता

4. Disappointing – निराशाजनक

5. Mediocre – औसत

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