
Aria Meaning in Nepali: आरिया, गीत, गान, गीतका भागहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: गीत, गान, गीतका भागहरू

Verb: गाउनु, गीत गाउनु

Adjective: गायन सम्बन्धी

Part of Speech of Aria:


Pronunciation of Aria:


Aria Synonyms:

1. Song – गीत

2. Melody – सुर

3. Tune – सुर

4. Chant – जाप

5. Ballad – गीत

6. Anthem – राष्ट्रिय गीत

Aria is a noun in Nepali that means गीत, गान, गीतका भागहरू. It is often used to refer to a song or a part of a song. The word is pronounced as “ah-ree-uh”. Some synonyms of aria in English include song, melody, tune, chant, ballad, and anthem. Aria is commonly used in the context of music and singing. For more information and detailed definitions, you can refer to,, and