at call

at call Meaning in Nepali: नेपालीमा “at call” भनेको अर्थ छ। यसलाई नेपालीमा “आजै बोलाउने” वा “आजै बोलाउने अवस्था” भनिन्छ।

Nearby Words:

Noun: नाम, शब्द, शब्दावली, शब्दकोष

Verb: क्रिया, गर्नु, गर्ने, बोलाउनु

Adjective: विशेषण, विशेष, विशेषता, विशेषज्ञ

Part of Speech:

At call is a noun phrase.


(at call) [at kawl]

At Call Synonyms:

1. Available (उपलब्ध)

2. On demand (आवश्यकता अनुसार)

3. Ready (तत्पर)

4. Accessible (पहुँचने योग्य)

5. On request (अनुरोधमा)

6. On hand (हातमा)

Description and Origination: The term “at call” refers to the state of being available or ready to be called upon immediately. It originated from the concept of being able to respond or act promptly when needed. In Nepali, it translates to “आजै बोलाउने” or “आजै बोलाउने अवस्था”.


1. Unavailable (उपलब्ध नभएको)

2. Unresponsive (उत्तर नदिएको)

3. Inaccessible (पहुँच नगर्ने)

4. Unprepared (तयार नभएको)

5. Absent (अनुपस्थित)

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