

Meaning in Nepali: प्रशंसा, सराहना

Pronunciation: (ad-muh-rey-shuhn)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Admire (verb) – प्रशंसा गर्नु, सराहना गर्नु
  • Admirable (adjective) – प्रशंसनीय, सराहनीय
  • Admiringly (adverb) – प्रशंसापूर्वक, सराहनापूर्वक
  • Admired (adjective) – प्रशंसित, सराहित
  • Admirer (noun) – प्रशंसक, सराहक


  • Appreciation (मूल्यांकन)
  • Respect (सम्मान)
  • Esteem (मान्यता)
  • Adoration (पूजा)
  • Acclaim (प्रशंसा)


Disapproval (अनुमोदन नगर्नु), Criticism (आलोचना)

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Admiration is a noun that refers to the act of regarding someone or something with respect, approval, or warm approval. It is often associated with a feeling of deep appreciation and esteem towards someone’s qualities, achievements, or actions. In Nepali, admiration can be expressed as “प्रशंसा” or “सराहना”.

When we admire someone, we hold them in high regard and may even idolize them. It is a positive emotion that can inspire and motivate us. Admiration can be directed towards various aspects such as talent, beauty, intelligence, or character traits. It is a way of acknowledging and appreciating the value and worth of someone or something.

Some synonyms of admiration include appreciation, respect, esteem, adoration, and acclaim. On the other hand, antonyms like disapproval and criticism represent the opposite sentiment.

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