abiding by

Abiding By

Part of Speech: Verb


1. To follow or obey a rule, law, or agreement. (नियमानुसार चल्नु)

2. To accept and act in accordance with a decision or recommendation. (सिफारिस गरिएकोमा चल्नु)

Nearby Words

1. Abide (निरन्तर रहनु)

2. Ability (क्षमता)

3. Abhor (घृणा गर्नु)

4. Abide by (नियमानुसार चल्नु)

5. Abide with (साथ रहनु)

6. Abiding (स्थायी)

7. Ability to pay (भुक्तानी गर्न सक्ने क्षमता)

8. Abhorrence (घृणा)


1. Obey

2. Comply

3. Follow

4. Adhere to

5. Respect

6. Submit to

7. Conform to

8. Yield to


1. Disobey (निराज्यता)

2. Defy (अवहेलना गर्नु)

3. Violate (उल्लंघन गर्नु)


For more information on “abiding by,” refer to the following sources:

1. dictionary.com

2. wikipedia.org

3. thefreedictionary.com