adult hood

Adult Hood

Meaning in Nepali: वयस्कता, प्रौढता

Pronunciation: (अडल्ट हुड)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Adolescence: noun, किशोरावस्था
  • Maturity: noun, परिपक्वता
  • Responsibility: noun, जिम्मेवारी
  • Independence: noun, स्वतन्त्रता
  • Experience: noun, अनुभव


  • adulthood
  • maturity
  • grown-up
  • manhood
  • womanhood


बालपन (childhood)

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Adult Hood refers to the stage of life when a person has reached physical and mental maturity. In Nepali, it is known as “वयस्कता” or “प्रौढता”. It is a noun and pronounced as “अडल्ट हुड”. During this phase, individuals take on more responsibilities and gain independence. They are expected to exhibit maturity and make decisions based on their experiences. Nearby words include “Adolescence” (किशोरावस्था), “Maturity” (परिपक्वता), “Responsibility” (जिम्मेवारी), “Independence” (स्वतन्त्रता), and “Experience” (अनुभव). Synonyms for Adult Hood include “adulthood”, “maturity”, “grown-up”, “manhood”, and “womanhood”. The antonym for Adult Hood is “बालपन” (childhood). For further information, you can refer to,, and