
Affright Meaning in Nepali

Affright meaning in Nepali: भयाउनु, डराउनु

Pronunciation: (uh-frahyt)

Part of Speech: verb

Nearby Words:

  • Frighten (verb) – डराउनु
  • Terrify (verb) – भयभीत गर्नु
  • Panic (noun) – आतंक
  • Terror (noun) – आतंक
  • Alarm (noun) – खतरा

Affright Synonyms:

  • Frighten
  • Scare
  • Terrify
  • Panic
  • Terrorize

Affright Antonyms:

No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

For more information on the word “affright,” you can refer to the following sources:


Remember, “affright” is a verb that means to frighten or scare someone. It is often used to describe a sudden feeling of fear or terror. In Nepali, it can be translated as भयाउनु or डराउनु. The word is commonly used in contexts related to horror, suspense, or alarming situations. It is important to note that “affright” does not have direct antonyms in Nepali. However, synonyms such as “frighten,” “scare,” “terrify,” “panic,” and “terrorize” can be used interchangeably depending on the context. To explore more about “affright,” you can refer to the provided links for detailed definitions and additional information.