
Azotic Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: अजोटिक, नाइट्रोजनले सम्बन्धित, नाइट्रोजनको, नाइट्रोजनमय, नाइट्रोजनसम्बन्धी

Part of Speech of Azotic:


Pronunciation of Azotic:


Azotic Synonyms:

1. Nitrogenous (नाइट्रोजनसम्बन्धी)

2. Nitric (नाइट्रिक)

3. Nitrous (नाइट्रस)

4. Nitrogenic (नाइट्रोजेनिक)

5. Nitrogenous (नाइट्रोजनसम्बन्धी)

6. Nitrogenized (नाइट्रोजेनयुक्त)

Description and Origination of Azotic:

Azotic is an adjective that relates to or contains nitrogen. It is derived from the word “azote,” which is an archaic term for nitrogen. Nitrogen is a chemical element that makes up about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is essential for the growth of plants and is often used in fertilizers. Azotic compounds are commonly found in nature and play a vital role in various biological processes.


1. Non-nitrogenous (नाइट्रोजनरहित)

2. Non-nitric (नाइट्रिकरहित)

3. Non-nitrous (नाइट्रसरहित)

4. Non-nitrogenic (नाइट्रोजेनिकरहित)

5. Non-nitrogenized (नाइट्रोजेनयुक्तरहित)

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