audit section

Audit Section Meaning in Nepali: अडिट खण्ड अर्थ (adit khaṇḍ artha), अडिट खण्डको अर्थ (adit khaṇḍako artha), अडिट खण्डको अर्थ नेपालीमा (adit khaṇḍako artha nepalima)

Nearby Words:

Noun: अडिट (adit), खण्ड (khaṇḍ), खण्डन (khaṇḍana)

Verb: अडिट गर्नु (adit garnu), खण्डन गर्नु (khaṇḍana garnu)

Part of Speech:



(aw-dit sek-shun)

Audit Section Synonyms:

1. Examination (परीक्षा, pariksha)

2. Review (समीक्षा, samiksha)

3. Inspection (निरिक्षण, nirikṣaṇ)

4. Assessment (मूल्यांकन, mulyankan)

5. Evaluation (मुल्यांकन, mulyankan)

6. Analysis (विश्लेषण, vishleshan)

Description and Origination of Audit Section:

Audit section refers to a specific part or division of an audit process. It involves the examination, review, and assessment of financial records, statements, and other relevant documents to ensure accuracy, compliance, and transparency. The audit section plays a crucial role in identifying any discrepancies, errors, or fraudulent activities within an organization’s financial operations. It helps in maintaining accountability and providing reliable financial information. The concept of audit section originated from the need for systematic and comprehensive evaluation of financial activities to ensure integrity and trustworthiness.


1. Approval (मंजूरी, manjuri)

2. Endorsement (समर्थन, samarthan)

3. Acceptance (स्वीकृति, swikriti)

4. Consent (सहमति, sahamati)

5. Agreement (सहमति, sahamati)

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