

Pronunciation: (uh-brey-did)

Part of Speech: adjective

Abraded is an adjective that describes something that has been worn down or rubbed away through friction or erosion.

Nearby Words:

  • Abnormal (असामान्य) – deviating from what is normal or usual
  • Absent (अनुपस्थित) – not present in a place
  • Abundant (प्रचुर) – existing or available in large quantities
  • Abuse (अपमान) – the improper or excessive use of something
  • Accept (स्वीकार गर्नु) – to agree to receive or take something
  • Accident (दुर्घटना) – an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally
  • Acid (तत्व) – a chemical substance with a pH less than 7

Abraded Synonyms:

  • Worn (घिसिएको) – damaged or frayed by long or hard use
  • Eroded (उद्वेगित) – gradually worn away by natural elements
  • Scuffed (घिसिएको) – marked or damaged by scraping or dragging
  • Friction-worn (घिसिएको) – worn down by the rubbing of surfaces

Abraded Antonyms:

  • Smooth (मुलायम) – having an even and regular surface
  • Intact (अपरिवर्तित) – not damaged or impaired in any way
  • Unblemished (निर्दोष) – not damaged or marked in any way

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