bad analogy

Bad Analogy Meaning in Nepali

नेपालीमा खराब उपमा अर्थ

Bad Analogy, खराब उपमा, Noun

Pronunciation: (बैड अनलोजी)

Bad Analogy Synonyms:

  • Flawed Comparison – दोषपूर्ण तुलना
  • Weak Analogy – कमजोर उपमा
  • False Analogy – असत्य उपमा
  • Illogical Comparison – अन्यायपूर्ण तुलना
  • Misleading Comparison – भ्रामक तुलना
  • Inappropriate Analogy – अनुपयुक्त उपमा

Bad Analogy Antonyms:

  • Good Analogy – राम्रो उपमा
  • Valid Comparison – मान्य तुलना
  • Accurate Analogy – सटिक उपमा
  • Logical Comparison – तार्किक तुलना
  • Relevant Analogy – सम्बन्धित उपमा
  • Appropriate Comparison – उपयुक्त तुलना

A bad analogy refers to a comparison that is flawed, weak, or illogical. It is an inappropriate or misleading comparison between two things or concepts. Bad analogies can lead to confusion and misunderstanding as they fail to provide a valid or accurate representation of the subject being compared.

Origination: The concept of analogy has been used in language and rhetoric for centuries. However, the term “bad analogy” gained prominence in modern discourse as a way to highlight the shortcomings and fallacies in comparing unrelated or dissimilar things. It is important to recognize and avoid bad analogies to ensure clear and effective communication.

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