advance guard

Advance Guard Meaning in Nepali

Advance Guard (pronounced: /ədˈvɑːns ɡɑːrd/) is a noun in English language.

Nepali Meaning of Advance Guard:

1. अग्रवर्ती सेना (Agrawarti Sena)

2. अग्रवर्ती दल (Agrawarti Dal)

Nearby Words:

1. Advance (noun) – प्रगति, अग्रसर, अग्रणी

2. Advanced (adjective) – उन्नत, अग्रसर, प्रगतिशील

3. Advancement (noun) – प्रगति, उन्नति, अग्रसरता

Synonyms of Advance Guard:

1. Vanguard

2. Forerunners

3. Pioneers

4. Precursors

5. Trailblazers

Antonyms of Advance Guard:

1. Rearguard – पछाडी गार्ड

2. Followers – अनुयायी

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