
August Meaning in Nepali: अगस्ट, भदौ, श्रावण, श्रावणमास, भदौमास

Nearby Words:

Noun: Autumn, Monsoon, Rain, Season, Month

Adjective: Grand, Majestic, Dignified, Noble, Respected

Part of Speech of August:


Pronunciation of August:


August Synonyms:

1. Grand – महान

2. Majestic – शानदार

3. Dignified – गरिमामय

4. Noble – उच्च

5. Respected – मान्य

Description: August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is derived from the Latin word “Augustus,” meaning “great” or “venerable.” In Nepali, it is known as अगस्ट, भदौ, श्रावण, श्रावणमास, भदौमास. August is a noun and is pronounced as (aw-guhst). It is a month that marks the transition from summer to autumn in many parts of the world.


1. Insignificant – अनुपयुक्त

2. Unimportant – अप्राधान्य

3. Common – सामान्य

4. Ordinary – साधारण

5. Lowly – निम्न

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