
atonce Meaning in Nepali: एकदम, तुरुन्त, तत्काल, तुरुन्तै, तत्कालै

Nearby Words:

Adverb: immediately (तुरुन्त), instantly (तत्काल), promptly (तुरुन्तै), quickly (तत्कालै), suddenly (अचानक)

Part of Speech:




atonce Synonyms:

immediately (तुरुन्त), instantly (तत्काल), promptly (तुरुन्तै), quickly (तत्कालै), suddenly (अचानक)

Description and Origination:

The term “atonce” is an adverb that means to do something immediately or without delay. It originated from the combination of the words “at” and “once,” emphasizing the urgency and promptness of an action. In Nepali, it can be translated as एकदम, तुरुन्त, तत्काल, तुरुन्तै, तत्कालै. This term is commonly used in various contexts where immediate action is required or desired.


gradually (धीरै धीरै), slowly (ढिलो), leisurely (आरामै), steadily (स्थिरतापूर्वक)

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