absolute temperature

Absolute Temperature

Pronunciation: (ab-suh-loot tem-per-uh-cher)


Absolute temperature refers to the temperature measured on a scale where zero represents the absence of thermal energy. It is commonly used in scientific and engineering contexts.

Nearby Words:

  • Abandon (त्याग गर्नु)
  • Abate (कम गर्नु)
  • Abbreviate (संक्षेप गर्नु)
  • Abdomen (पेट)
  • Abduct (अपहरण गर्नु)
  • Abide (मान्नु)
  • Abject (निराशाजनक)


  • Thermodynamic temperature
  • Kelvin temperature
  • Absolute scale
  • Thermodynamic scale


  • Relative temperature (सापेक्षिक तापमान)

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Remember, absolute temperature is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and plays a crucial role in various scientific and engineering applications.