
Anaesthetic Meaning in Nepali

Anaesthetic is a medical term used to describe a substance that causes loss of sensation or feeling. In Nepali, anaesthetic can be translated as:

  • निदान (Nidaan)
  • अस्वेदनशामक (Aswedaanshamak)
  • अस्पृश्य (Asprishya)
  • अनुभूतिहीन (Anubhootiheen)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to anaesthetic:

  • Anaemia (Noun) – रक्ताल्पता (Raktaalpata)
  • Anarchy (Noun) – अराजकता (Araajakta)
  • Anatomy (Noun) – शरीररचना (Sharirrachana)
  • Ancestor (Noun) – पूर्वज (Purwaja)

Part of Speech

Anaesthetic is a noun.


Anaesthetic is pronounced as /ˌæn.əsˈθet.ɪk/.

Anaesthetic Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of anaesthetic:

  • Numb (अस्पृश्य)
  • Unfeeling (अस्वेदनशामक)
  • Insensible (अनुभूतिहीन)
  • Unconscious (अचेतन)
  • Stupefying (मूर्च्छित कर्ने)
  • Sedative (शामक)

Description and Origination

Anaesthetic is a substance used in medical procedures to numb or induce loss of sensation in a specific area of the body. It allows patients to undergo surgeries or other painful procedures without feeling pain or discomfort. The use of anaesthetics in medical practice has revolutionized the field of surgery, making complex procedures possible and improving patient outcomes. The concept of anaesthesia dates back to ancient times, with early civilizations using various natural substances to induce numbness. However, the modern development and use of anaesthetics began in the 19th century, with the discovery of ether and chloroform as effective agents for inducing unconsciousness and pain relief during surgery.


Antonyms of anaesthetic include:

  • Sensitive (संवेदनशील)
  • Aware (जागरूक)
  • Conscious (चेतन)
  • Responsive (प्रतिसादी)

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