At the Worst Meaning in Nepali: अत्यन्तै खराब, सबैभन्दा खराब, अत्यन्तै नराम्रो, अत्यन्तै खराब अवस्था, अत्यन्तै नराम्रो अवस्था
Nearby Words:
Noun: Worst (सबैभन्दा खराब), Condition (अवस्था), Situation (अवस्था)
Adjective: Bad (खराब), Terrible (नराम्रो), Awful (खराब), Horrible (नराम्रो)
Part of Speech:
(at thuh wurs-t)
At the Worst Synonyms:
Worst-case scenario (सबैभन्दा खराब-अवस्था), Most unfavorable outcome (सबैभन्दा अनुकूल नतिजा), Utmost adversity (अत्यन्तै विपत्ति), Extreme hardship (अत्यन्तै कठिनाई), Severest condition (सबैभन्दा खराब अवस्था)
Description and Origination:
At the worst is a phrase used to describe the most unfavorable or dire situation. It refers to the point where things cannot get any worse. This phrase originated from the English language.
Best (सबैभन्दा राम्रो), Ideal (आदर्श), Optimal (श्रेष्ठ), Excellent (उत्कृष्ट), Perfect (पूर्ण)
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