
All- Meaning in Nepali

All- is a prefix in English that has multiple meanings in Nepali. The word can be pronounced as [awl] in Nepali.

Part of Speech

All- is a prefix in English.

Nepali Meanings

  • सबै (sabai) – meaning “all” or “every”
  • पूर्ण (purna) – meaning “complete” or “whole”

Nearby Words

  • Alliance (noun) – संघ, मेल
  • Allocate (verb) – आवंटन गर्नु, बाँट्नु
  • Alleviate (verb) – कम गर्नु, शान्त गर्नु


  • Every
  • Complete
  • Total
  • Entire
  • Whole


The antonym of All- in Nepali is केही- (kehi-), meaning “some” or “few”.

For more information on the word All-, you can refer to the following sources:

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