after noon

Afternoon Meaning in Nepali

Part of Speech: Noun

Meanings in Nepali: दिउँसो, बिहानको बेला

Pronunciation: [af-ter-noon]

Nearby Words

  • After: (Preposition) पछि, अनुसार, बादमा
  • Aftermath: (Noun) पछिपाट, परिणाम, उपफल
  • Afterward: (Adverb) पछि, त्यसपछि, अन्ततः

Afternoon Synonyms

  • Noon
  • Midday
  • Mid-afternoon
  • Daytime
  • Daylight

Afternoon Antonyms

Antonyms in Nepali: रात, रातोबेला

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Afternoon, as a noun, refers to the time period between noon and evening. In Nepali, it can be translated as “दिउँसो” or “बिहानको बेला.” It is pronounced as [af-ter-noon].

Some nearby words include “after” (पछि, अनुसार, बादमा), “aftermath” (पछिपाट, परिणाम, उपफल), and “afterward” (पछि, त्यसपछि, अन्ततः).

Synonyms for afternoon include “noon,” “midday,” “mid-afternoon,” “daytime,” and “daylight.” On the other hand, antonyms for afternoon in Nepali are “रात” and “रातोबेला.”

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