
Artificer Meaning in Urdu: ارتفاعی

An artificer, pronounced as “ahr-tuh-fuh-ser,” is a noun that refers to a skilled craftsman or mechanic who creates or repairs things with their hands. In Urdu, the meaning of artificer can be described in various ways:

  1. ارتفاعی: A skilled person who uses their hands to create or repair things.
  2. صنعت کار: A person who is involved in the industry and possesses technical skills.
  3. کاریگر: A worker who specializes in a particular craft or trade.

Synonyms of Artificer:

Some synonyms of artificer include:

  • Artisan (صناع)
  • Craftsman (کاریگر)
  • Mechanic (مکینک)
  • Technician (ٹیکنیشن)

Antonyms of Artificer:

Antonyms of artificer with their meanings in Urdu:

  • بے مہارت: Unskilled (A person lacking skills or expertise)
  • بے حیثیت: Incompetent (A person lacking the necessary ability or skills)
  • بے تجربہ: Inexperienced (A person without sufficient knowledge or practice)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to artificer with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Artifice (noun) – فریب, چال, حیلہ
  • Artificial (adjective) – مصنوعی, بناوٹی
  • Artifact (noun) – تحفہ, اثر, فناوری کا نمونہ
  • Artillery (noun) – توپ خانہ, برداری

Origin of the Word Artificer:

The word artificer originated from the Latin word “artifex,” which means “craftsman” or “artist.” It entered the English language in the 14th century and has been used to describe skilled workers ever since.

Example Sentences:

  1. The artificer skillfully crafted a beautiful piece of furniture. (ارتفاعی نے مہارت سے ایک خوبصورت فرنیچر بنایا)
  2. The artificer repaired the broken machinery. (ارتفاعی نے خراب مشینری کو مرمت کیا)
  3. She hired an artificer to design and build her dream house. (اس نے ایک ارتفاعی کو استخدام کیا تاکہ وہ اس کا خوابوں کا گھر بنائے)

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