
Asininity: A Word with Multiple Meanings in Urdu

Asininity is a term that is often used to describe foolishness or stupidity. It refers to the quality or state of being asinine, which means behaving in a silly or senseless manner. In Urdu, asininity can be translated as “بیوقوفی” (bewaqoofi), “بے وقوفی” (be-waqoofi), or “بے عقلی” (be-aqali).

Synonyms of Asininity

1. Foolishness – “بیوقوفی” (bewaqoofi)

2. Stupidity – “بے وقوفی” (be-waqoofi)

3. Folly – “بے عقلی” (be-aqali)

Antonyms of Asininity

1. Wisdom – “دانائی” (danaai)

2. Intelligence – “ذہانت” (zehnat)

3. Rationality – “منطق” (mantaq)

Nearby Words

1. Asinine (Adjective) – “بیوقوف” (bewaqoof)

2. Foolish (Adjective) – “بے وقوف” (be-waqoof)

3. Stupid (Adjective) – “بے عقل” (be-aqal)

Origin of the Word Asininity

The word “asininity” originated from the Latin word “asinus,” which means “ass” or “donkey.” Donkeys were often associated with foolishness or stupidity in ancient times, leading to the development of the term.

Examples Sentences

1. His asininity was evident when he tried to fit a square peg into a round hole. (اس کی بیوقوفی اس وقت ظاہر ہوئی جب اس نے مربع شکل کو گول ہول میں ڈالنے کی کوشش کی۔)

2. The politician’s asininity was apparent in his nonsensical statements. (سیاستدان کی بیوقوفی اس کے بے معنی بیانات میں واضح تھی۔)

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