
Annex Meaning in Urdu

Annex: The word “annex” is a verb that means to add or attach something, especially a building or territory, to a larger one. It can also be used as a noun to refer to an addition or extension.


The pronunciation of “annex” in Urdu is [uh-neks].

Meanings in Urdu:

  1. Annex (Verb): شامل کرنا (shamil karna), ضم کرنا (zam karna)
  2. Annex (Noun): ضمیمہ (zameema), ملحقہ (mulhiqa)


Some synonyms of “annex” include:

  • Attach: منسلک کرنا (mansalik karna)
  • Add: شامل کرنا (shamil karna)
  • Append: منسلک کرنا (mansalik karna)
  • Join: ملانا (milana)


Some antonyms of “annex” include:

  • Detach: الگ کرنا (alag karna)
  • Separate: الگ کرنا (alag karna)
  • Divide: تقسیم کرنا (taqseem karna)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to “annex” are:

  • Annexation (Noun): ضم کرنے کا عمل (zam karnay ka amal)
  • Annexed (Adjective): ضم شدہ (zam shuda)
  • Annexing (Verb): ضم کرنا (zam karna)


The word “annex” originated from the Latin word “annexāre,” which means “to attach.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. I will annex the garage to the main building. (میں گیراج کو مکمل عمارت سے ضم کروں گا۔)
  2. The country decided to annex the neighboring territory. (ملک نے قریبی علاقے کو ضم کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔)

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By understanding the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, and origin of the word “annex” in Urdu, you can effectively use it in your conversations and writing.