additional director

Additional Director: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Additional Director is a term commonly used in the corporate world. It refers to a person who is appointed to assist the board of directors in making important decisions and managing the affairs of a company. The pronunciation of Additional Director is [uh-dish-uh-nl dih-rek-ter].

In Urdu, Additional Director can be translated as “اضافی ڈائریکٹر” or “مزید ڈائریکٹر”. Here are a few additional meanings of the term in Urdu:

  • اضافی ناظم: An additional supervisor
  • مزید مشرف: More overseer
  • اضافی مدیر: Extra manager

Origin of the Word Additional Director

The word “additional” originated from the Latin word “additionālis,” meaning “added” or “extra.” The term “director” comes from the Latin word “dirigere,” which means “to guide” or “to manage.” When combined, “additional director” refers to someone who is added to the existing board of directors to provide guidance and management.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for Additional Director include:

  • Assistant Director
  • Supplementary Director
  • Extra Director

Antonyms of Additional Director can be:

  • Resigned Director (استعفی دہ ڈائریکٹر)
  • Former Director (سابق ڈائریکٹر)
  • Retired Director (ریٹائرڈ ڈائریکٹر)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Additional Director are:

  • Additional (اضافی) – Adjective
  • Direct (سیدھا) – Adjective
  • Direction (ہدایت) – Noun
  • Directorate (ڈائریکٹریٹ) – Noun

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using Additional Director in Urdu:

  • اضافی ڈائریکٹر کو اسٹاک مارکیٹ کی تازہ ترین صورتحال کے بارے میں رپورٹ دینی ہوگی۔ (The Additional Director will have to report on the latest stock market situation.)
  • مزید ڈائریکٹر نے کمپنی کے منافع کو بڑھانے کے لئے ایک نیا منصوبہ پیش کیا۔ (The Additional Director proposed a new plan to increase the company’s profits.)

For more information on Additional Director, you can visit the following websites:

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