all affairs

All Affairs: Pronunciation, Meaning, and Origin

Pronunciation: awl-uh-fairz

Meaning in Urdu:

تمام معاملات

سب معاملات

ہر معاملہ

Origin of the Word:

The term “all affairs” is a combination of the word “all” and “affairs.” “All” refers to the entirety or completeness of something, while “affairs” refers to various matters or issues. When combined, “all affairs” signifies the complete range or scope of matters or issues.

Synonyms of All Affairs:

1. Everything

2. Every matter

3. All matters


1. Nothing (کچھ نہیں)

2. Some matters (کچھ معاملات)

3. Few matters (چند معاملات)

Nearby Words:

1. All (Adjective) – سب (Sab)

2. Affair (Noun) – معاملہ (Maamla)

3. Everything (Noun) – ہر چیز (Har cheez)

Example Sentences:

1. All affairs of the company are being handled by the new CEO. (کمپنی کے تمام معاملات نئے سی ای او کے ذمہ داری میں ہیں۔)

2. She is well-versed in managing all affairs related to finance. (وہ تمام مالی معاملات کو منظم کرنے میں ماہر ہیں۔)

3. The committee discussed all affairs concerning the upcoming event. (کمیٹی نے آنے والے تقریب کے تمام معاملات پر گفتگو کی۔)

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