all a long

All A Long: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

All A Long is a phrase commonly used in English language. It is pronounced as “awl uh lawng”. In Urdu, it can be translated as “سب لمبا” (sab lamba) or “پورا لمبا” (poora lamba). The phrase is made up of two words: “all” and “long”.

Meaning in Urdu

The phrase “All A Long” has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. سب لمبا (sab lamba) – meaning “all long” or “entirely long”
  2. پورا لمبا (poora lamba) – meaning “complete long” or “whole long”
  3. سارا لمبا (saara lamba) – meaning “all long” or “entire long”

Origin of the Word

The origin of the phrase “All A Long” can be traced back to Middle English. It is a combination of the word “all,” meaning “every” or “entire,” and the word “long,” meaning “extended in space or time.” The phrase is used to emphasize the entirety or completeness of something that is long in duration or extent.


Some synonyms of “All A Long” include:

  • Throughout
  • Entirely
  • Completely
  • Wholly
  • Thoroughly


Antonyms of “All A Long” include:

  • Short
  • Brief
  • Limited
  • Incomplete
  • Partial

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “All A Long” are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
All Adjective سب (sab)
Long Adjective لمبا (lamba)
Along Preposition ساتھ (saath)
Alone Adjective اکیلا (akela)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using “All A Long” with their Urdu meanings:

  1. All a long, I have been waiting for this moment. (سب لمبا، میں اس لمحے کا انتظار کر رہا تھا۔)
  2. She walked all a long the beach. (وہ ساحل کے ساتھ سب لمبا چلتی رہی۔)
  3. We have been friends all a long. (ہم دوست سب لمبا رہے ہیں۔)

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