
Amortise Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings and Pronunciation

Amortise, pronounced as “uh-mawr-tahyz,” is a financial term that has several meanings in Urdu. Let’s explore the different meanings and usage of this word:

Meanings of Amortise in Urdu:

  1. تقسیم کرنا: This meaning refers to the division or distribution of a debt or expense over a period of time.
  2. ادا کرنا: It also means to pay off a debt gradually through regular payments.
  3. تخفیف دینا: Another meaning of amortise is to reduce the value of an intangible asset over time.

Synonyms of Amortise:

Some synonyms of amortise include distribute, pay off, reduce, and decrease.

Antonyms of Amortise:

  1. جمع کرنا: The antonym of amortise meaning “to distribute” is “to accumulate” in Urdu.
  2. ادا نہ کرنا: The antonym of amortise meaning “to pay off” is “to default” in Urdu.
  3. بڑھانا: The antonym of amortise meaning “to reduce” is “to increase” in Urdu.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to amortise are:

  • Amortization (Noun): تقسیم کاری
  • Amortized (Adjective): تقسیم شدہ
  • Amortizing (Verb): تقسیم کرنا

Origin of the Word Amortise:

The word “amortise” originated from the French word “amortir,” which means “to kill” or “to extinguish.” It was initially used in the context of extinguishing a debt over time.

Examples Sentences:

  1. تقسیم کرنا: بینک نے قرض کو چند سالوں میں تقسیم کیا۔ (The bank amortised the loan over several years.)
  2. ادا کرنا: وہ اپنے قرض کو ماہانہ ادا کرتا ہے۔ (He amortises his debt monthly.)
  3. تخفیف دینا: کمپنی نے اپنی منفعت کو تخفیف دیتے ہوئے اس کی قدر کم کی۔ (The company amortised its value by reducing its profits.)

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