
Aardvark: The Fascinating Creature

Pronunciation of Aardvark

The correct pronunciation of aardvark is [ahrd-vahrk].

Aardvark Meaning in Urdu

Aardvark, known as “چیونٹی” in Urdu, is a unique and intriguing creature.

Origin of the Word Aardvark

The word “aardvark” originates from the Afrikaans language, where “aard” means earth and “vark” means pig. Hence, aardvark is often referred to as the “earth pig.”

Synonyms of Aardvark

Some synonyms of aardvark include:

  • Antbear
  • Earth hog
  • Anteater

Antonyms of Aardvark

Antonyms of aardvark in Urdu:

  • Antonyms: آرڈوارک کے متضاد الفاظ
  • Example Antonym 1: الفاظ کا مثال 1
  • Example Antonym 2: الفاظ کا مثال 2

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aardvark with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Word 1 (Part of Speech): Meaning in Urdu
  • Word 2 (Part of Speech): Meaning in Urdu
  • Word 3 (Part of Speech): Meaning in Urdu

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences to understand the usage of aardvark:

  • Example Sentence 1 (Urdu Meaning): English Translation
  • Example Sentence 2 (Urdu Meaning): English Translation
  • Example Sentence 3 (Urdu Meaning): English Translation

Additional Resources

For more information about aardvarks, you can visit the following websites:

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