
Aardwolf: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The aardwolf (/ˈɑːrdwʊlf/), also known as Proteles cristata, is a small mammal native to East and Southern Africa. In Urdu, it is referred to as “اردوولف” (Aardwolf), “چھوٹا لومڑی” (Chhota Lomri), or “چھوٹا شیر” (Chhota Sher).

Origin of the Word Aardwolf

The word “aardwolf” originates from the Afrikaans language, where “aard” means “earth” and “wolf” means “wolf.” This name is fitting as aardwolves primarily inhabit open grasslands and feed on termites.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for aardwolf include “earth wolf,” “maanhaar jackal,” and “termite wolf.” Antonyms for aardwolf include “lion” (شیر) and “hyena” (چیتا).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to aardwolf are:

  • Parts of Speech: Noun
  • Urdu Meaning: چھوٹا لومڑی
  • Examples:
  • The aardwolf is a nocturnal animal. (اردوولف رات کا جانور ہے۔)
  • She mistook the aardwolf for a small fox. (اس نے اردوولف کو چھوٹی لومڑی سمجھا۔)


For more information about aardwolves, you can visit the following websites: